Two Twisted is an Australian TV mystery anthology drama which premiered on the Nine Network on 14 August 2006. Narrated by Bryan Brown, who also produced the series’ predecessor,Twisted Tales, each episode of the series contains two short half-hour stories, that have a twisted ending. Also present in each episode is a link or connection between the two tales.
Rather than draw on a pool of experienced writers, the producers of the series issued a call to up-and-coming writers to submit screenplays. Some 2,400 entries were received and from these, 14 finalists were chosen. Directors were chosen in a similar fashion. A mix of experienced and emerging directors were chosen to shoot each episode.
Each episode was shot over a period of four days with each director given another four days to edit.
Series Consultant Director
David Caesar
Executive Producers
Bryan Brown and Sandra Levy
Bryan Brown, Helen Watts and Karen Radzyner
World Sales
Southern Star Sales
Cathy Payne
Level 5, 8 West Street
North Sydney
NSW 2060
Tel: 612 9202 8555
Fax: 612 9955 3582
New Town Films is a boutique film and television production company, started by actor Bryan Brown in 1983, With the simple philosophy 'If you own it, They can't tell you that you can't be in it.'